28 Jun 2024

SEB June 2024 Newsletter

Right before the Annual Conference in Prague, welcome to this month's newsletter!

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Welcome to this month's newsletter. Here's what we have in store for you this month: 

Only a few days left until the SEB's Annual Conference: Join us for an Exciting Scientific Gathering (check out the programme);

Book your place for the ECR Networking Evening at SEB Conference 2024;

Last Call for SEB Conference Awards Dinner Reservations;

Empowering Bioscience Professionals: SEB Conference childcare unveiled for Prague 2024,

Last chance to apply for  "The Company of Biologists Travel Grant" and the "Educational Research and Development Grant";

Register for the OED Symposium 2024 “Empowering Research for Community Impact”;

Society for Experimental Biology Seeks Chairs for Open Animal Sessions;

Experimental Biology Across Boundaries Programme (new partnership between the SEB and Native Scientists);

The Company of Biologists appoints Fenice Distribuzione S.r.l. as exclusive representative in Italy;

Apply now for The Plant Journal Fellowships and boost your career in plant science!;


Read the SEB's Contribution to Evidence Gathering on AI in Higher Education;

Discover the Children and Teaching Resources: SEB activity book 2024;

Children and Teaching Resources: The Secret Lifespan of Animals;

Contribute to the Ask a Scientist project;

Download the ‘Scientists with Impact’ article collection;

Happy reading!  

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  • Only a few days left until the SEB's Annual Conference 2024: Join us for an Exciting Scientific Gathering!
  • Book your place for the ECR Networking Evening at SEB Conference 2024
  • Last Call for SEB Conference Awards Dinner Reservations!
  • Check out the Onsite Childcare during the  SEB Prague 2024 Conference;
  • The SEB "Educational Research & Development Grant" ends This Month!
  • Register for the OED Symposium 2024 “Empowering Research for Community Impact”
  • Society for Experimental Biology Seeks Chairs for Open Animal Sessions
  • Experimental Biology Across Boundaries Programme (new partnership between the SEB and Native Scientists)
  • The Company of Biologists appoints Fenice Distribuzione S.r.l. as exclusive representative in Italy
  • Read the SEB's Contribution to Evidence Gathering on AI in Higher Education
  • Discover the Children and Teaching Resources: SEB activity book 2024

  • Have a look at the Children and Teaching Resources: The Secret Lifespan of Animals

  • Contribute to the Ask a Scientist project;

  • Download the ‘Scientists with Impact’ article collection;

  • Discover the scientists with Impact


  • SEB Annual Conference 2024 (2 – 5 July 2024)
  • Cell Symposium: Plant Epigenetics (10 – 12 July 2024)
  • OED Symposium 2024: Empowering Research for Community Impact (10 – 11 September 2024)
  • Building Your Academic Web Presence (18 September 2024)
  • Project Management Essentials for Researchers (6 November 2024)
  • Other Meetings



  • Discover the benefit spotlight of the month 💡
  • Recommand a colleague




  • Careers and Coffee
  • Leaders of the Future
  • Events videos are available on demand
  • Professional Development Resources available for SEB members!
  • Developing Excellent Research Proposals
  • Quick start guide to connecting with industry
  • Getting started with interdisciplinary collaborations
  • Public Engagement 101
  • Free "Standing up for Science" - media workshop 
  • Dealing with the media - Free media training and advice for SEB members





  • Conservation Physiology: Using vitality indicators to predict survival of aquatic animals released from fisheries


  • Journal of Experimental Botany's Editor choice:  Phylogenetically diverse wild plant species use common biochemical strategies to thrive in the Atacama Desert


  • Plant Biotechnology Journal: Delineation of loci governing an extra-earliness trait in lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) using the QTL-Seq approach


  • Plant Direct: Intraspecific differences in the photosynthetic responses to chloroplast CO2 and photon flux density at different leaf temperatures of four grapevine cultivars grown in common outdoor conditions


  • The Plant Journal:  Editor choice - June 2024: Use the needle in the haystack: Spike-ins as a normalization for RNAseq by Gwendolyn Kirschner


  • Company of Biologists Grant  (Deadline 30 June)
  • Sponsorship for a Small Conference 
  • SEB Diversity Grant
  • SEB Outreach Grant
  • Hardship fund
  • Funding for Satellite Meetings

  •  Educational Research and Development Grant (Deadline 30 June)


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This project was developed and delivered in two public engagement events we hosted this year, where the attendees could ask questions for scientists. We posted the questions on our website and need scientists to answer them!

The attendees have the webpage address, so they can go there and check the answers to their questions. Please look at these thought-provoking questions and reply to the ones you feel comfortable with through the form.

For more information and to access the form, visit:




Dive into the past of the SEB by discovering the SEB History Articles Series





SEB Magazine Spring/Summer 2024 will be available very soon! This issue dives into the fascinating world of vacuoles, exploring their vital roles and surprising secrets. Don't miss out!





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We have been made aware of a scam email that has been sent to a few of our members. (please see an example of the email below). We just wanted to confirm that this is not from SEB or the hotel.








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Building Your Academic Web Presence



Take a look at the event picture gallery which is available now on our   Facebook page


International Hibernation Symposium 2024 (21 – 25 July 2024)



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The Company of Biologists Travel Grant

Application deadline:   30 June  2024 ðŸš¨

SEB student and early career scientist members can apply for up to £500 to support their travel to conferences, career workshops, research trips, and laboratory visits. This funding has now been extended to include registration fees for online events.



Sponsorship for a Small Conference

Application deadline: 1 March 2025

SEB members can apply for up to £1000 to help with the cost of organising a scientific meeting independently or in collaboration with another organisation.



Diversity Grant

Application deadline: 31 December 2024

SEB members can apply for funding of up to £1000 for projects associated with improving diversity and increasing inclusivity in academia and bioscience research.



Outreach Grant

Application deadline: 1 June 2025

A maximum of £1000 is available to SEB members and £200 non-members to cover the costs associated with holding or participating in an outreach event that promotes experimental biology to a wide range of audiences.



Educational Research and Development Grant

Application deadline: 30 June 2024 ðŸš¨

The purpose of this grant is to support educators and academics involved in education activities with their career progression. It enables them to demonstrate evidence of innovation in teaching and the ability to obtain external funding and training in educational and/or pedagogical research.






Over the past few months we held a number of training webinars. If you did not get a chance to attend these you can access on demand recordings and resources on the SEB members' area. Simply log into your SEB account, go to the resources area and select the "Careers" tab to view these. 

The following content is available for you to access: 

Recordings of our events are available in our Ressources section.

JXB Webinar series videos

Plant Journal Webinar series videos

Plant Biotechnology Journal Webinar series videos

Conservation Physiology Webinar series videos 

Careers and Coffee videos 

Videos and PDFs are available

The SEB is excited to release our new on-demand professional development resources to support our members at every stage of their career. This includes a video and PDF covering time management skills, and a five part mini-series exploring evaluation of impact for projects such as public engagement events and activities

Presentation Slides are available

In this this workshop, we examined the key elements involved in turning your initial research idea into a proposal that will get the attention and support of the reviewers, demonstrate the importance of the research and assure funders that your project will make a valuable contribution to your field

Webinar recording now available 

This webinar takes a brief look at how researchers can identify their individual skills and expertise to support engagement as well as to how to clearly articulate their research in a way that generates interest from potential industry collaborators. 

Presentation Slides and Chatbox transcript now available 

A multidisciplinary approach requires a combination of skills including a willingness to listen and learn about other disciplines, to see patterns and make connections, to have a wide ranging network, to ask insightful questions, facilitate others to take part, problem solve in a solution focused way and to be open and creative. 

In this interactive 90 minute online workshop looked at how to be open to opportunity for interdisciplinary collaboration and the key skills required to identify and approach potential collaborators. 


Have you been approached by the media for an interview or to comment on your research and not sure what to expect or how to approach it?
Getting your research covered in the media is a very exciting moment but can also feel scary if you do not have experience and are not sure what to expect. SEB members can benefit from free advice and training on their first media appearance through our partnership with Sense about Science. If you would like to learn more get in touch with [email protected].
In the meantime, check out these “Standing up for Science” Guides on interacting with the media:




Below are the latest vacancies available:



 Doctoral Candidate (DC5) – In-vitro to in-vivo extrapolations.
Antwerp, Belgium

This DC position will be hosted by the Department of Cell Toxicology at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research

Deadline for applications: 31 July 2024


Graduate Positions to Study the Physiology and Control of Sea Lamprey in the Departments of Biology, Wilfrid Laurier University & Biological Sciences, University of Manitoba.
Winnipeg, Canada

Graduate Positions to Study the Physiology and Control of Sea Lamprey in the Departments of Biology, Wilfrid Laurier University & Biological Sciences, University of Manitoba.

Deadline for applications: 1 August 2024



Click   here    to visit the SEB jobs board page






Conservation Physiology
Using vitality indicators to predict survival of aquatic animals released from fisheries


Journal of Experimental Botany
Editor choice: Phylogenetically diverse wild plant species use common biochemical strategies to thrive in the Atacama Desert


Plant Biotechnology Journal
Delineation of loci governing an extra-earliness trait in lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) using the QTL-Seq approach


Plant Direct
Intraspecific differences in the photosynthetic responses to chloroplast CO2 and photon flux density at different leaf temperatures of four grapevine cultivars grown in common outdoor conditions


The Plant Journal
Editor choice - June 2024: Use the needle in the haystack: Spike-ins as a normalization for RNAseq