This 2-week workshop will address key challenges for the international Plant Science community, from basic sciences to socio-economic and environmental aspects including climate change.
Monogram conference that brings together scientists and plant breeders nationally and internationally working on cereals and grasses (including the C4 energy grasses)
The AAB ‘International Advances in Plant Virology (IAPV)’ conference has a broad remit where we invite participation from scientists who are interested in all aspects of plant virology
In this practical, interactive presentation skills training, participants will learn the foundations of how to plan, design and deliver a clear scientific presentation – with confidence!
This conference will feature research presentations across biological scales, from molecules to the globe. The process of photosynthesis underpins life on our planet – from food production to climate regulation
SEB’s Annual Conference is celebrated for creating the perfect composition of research, new discoveries and collaborative connections. Be creative and innovative by exchanging ideas and knowledge with masters of biology from all over the world. This years theme: The Impact of Experimental Biology to Tackle Global Challenges