
Workshop - Academic Peer Review – First steps, best practices & future challenges

Workshop Length

2 hours 

Workshop Description

Peer review is at the heart of the academic publication process. In this interactive workshop we will educate (early career) researchers on how to assess scientific manuscripts and write high-quality peer reviews that conform to best scientific practice and ethical norms. We will provide participants with information on how to find review opportunities and receive recognition for their work. Different peer review models will be explained, and we will debate future challenges that the peer review system is facing. Attendees will have the opportunity to discuss how quality, equality, and fairness of the academic peer review process can be increased in the future.

Journal of Experimental Biology science communication workshop for early-career researchers

Workshop Length

3 hours  

Workshop Date

1st  July 2024 

Registration for the workshop has now closed

Time ; 2.30pm - 5.30pm

Work shop Description 

“Science isn’t finished until it is communicated” (Sir Mark Walport, UK Chief Scientist, 2013). Publishing your research in a reputable journal and then telling the world about your discovery are key steps in the scientific process. In this interactive workshop for early-career researchers (ECRs), the staff and editors of Journal of Experimental Biology (JEB) will help attendees to build the skills they need to extract the key details required to understand and communicate a piece of research. ECRs will work on restructuring the key information to (1) compose a persuasive cover letter to accompany submission of a research paper to JEB in order to give their paper the best chance of being sent out for peer review and (2) construct a concise, effective and engaging piece of science writing to promote their research to a wide audience beyond their peers. The workshop will include presentations, writing activities and discussion groups, and each applicant will be given feedback on their own writing. 
Places are limited to a maximum of 24 attendees. Applicants should be early-career researchers (graduate student, postdoctoral researcher or junior faculty staff within 5 years of their first position) working in a field covered by Journal of Experimental Biology (comparative animal physiology or biomechanics; see for further information). Applicants will be selected with the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion in mind.

Workshop - Establishing, Evidencing and Excelling in Your Teaching Career

 Session Length

0.5 days

Session Description

This workshop will explore how to establish an academic teaching career, how to evidence your teaching activities and how to become an excellent teacher worthy of academic promotion. It is relevant to early career researchers new to teaching, and to junior academics/faculty wanting to evidence their teaching and build a case for promotion or teaching fellowships.

Reward and recognition for teaching and education focussed activity has historically lagged behind that of research. It is often challenging for early career scientists and new faculty members to demonstrate their excellence in teaching and build evidence for promotions or fellowships. This interactive workshop will provide a variety of strategies for establishing and evidencing an academic teaching career, including case studies of successful academics and practical tips. It will also provide delegates with opportunities to network with others wanting to establish their teaching credentials. It will be led by Dr Katharine Hubbard, a Reader in Bioscience Education, National Teaching Fellow and SEB President's Medallist for Education in 2017. Part of the Outreach, Education and Diversity programme     

The workshop has the following aims:

  • Explore what is meant by excellence in an academic teaching career
  • Identify ways to establish an academic teaching career in formal and informal settings
  • Provide practical support for evidencing teaching excellence
  • Provide networking opportunities for delegates wanting to establish and progress in academic careers on the basis of teaching