Wednesday 17th September
12:00-17:00(?) Registration desk open
13:00-14:30 Workshop 1/Workshop 2/Workshop3*
14:30-15:00 refreshment break
15:00-16:30 Workshop 1/Workshop 2/Workshop3
16:30-17:00 break
17:00-18:00 Plenary lecture
Prof. Jane Langdale (University of Oxford) – Leaf development (t.b.c.)
18:00-18:30 Pecha Kucha(?)
18:30-20:00 Reception and poster session (odd numbers)
Thursday 18th September
Session 1: BEGINNINGS – the origins of plants and the start of the plant life cycle
09:00-09:05 Introduction (Chairs: Diana Santelia & Steve Penfield)
09:05-09:40 Steve Penfield (John Innes Centre) – Seed dormancy and germination
09:40-10:30 3 x 15 min talks from selected abstracts
10:30-11:00 refreshment break
11:00-11:35 Kin Pan Chung (Wageningen University) – Chloroplast endosymbiosis
11:35-12:30 3 x 15 min talks from selected abstracts
12:30-13:30 lunch
Session 2: GROWING – photosynthesis, respiration, nutrient acquisition, growth
13:30-13:35 Introduction (Chairs: Diane Beckles & John Lunn)
13:35-14:10 Christine Raines (University of Essex) – Engineering photosynthesis
14:10-14:45 Berkley Walker (Michigan State University) – Photosynthetic fluxes
14:45-15:30 3 x 15 min talks from selected abstracts
15:30-16:00 refreshment break
16:00-16:35 Diane Beckles (UC Riverside) – Source-sink interactions
16:35-17:00 2 x 15 min talks from selected abstracts
17:00-18:00 Poster session (even numbers)
19:30-22:00 Conference Dinner – The Caves
Friday 19th September
Session 3: MATURITY – flowering, reproduction and coping with stress
09:00-09:05 Introduction (Chairs Madelaine Bartlett & Cristobal Uauy)
09:05-09:40 Madelaine Bartlett (Sainsbury Laboratory Cambridge) – Inflorescence development
09:40-10:15 Teva Vernoux (ENS Lyon) – Phylotaxis and auxin signalling
10:15-10:30 1 x 15 min talk from selected abstracts
10:30-11:00 refreshment break
11:00-11:35 Cristobal Uauy (John Innes Centre) – Seeds and yield
11:35-12:30 3x15 min talks from selected abstracts
12:30-13:30 lunch
Session 4: FUTURE – new plan(t)s
13:30-13:35 Introduction (Chairs: Franziska Fichtner & N.N.)
13:35-14:10 Nicola Patron (University of Cambridge) – Plant synthetic biology
14:10-14:45 Franziska Fichtner (HHU Düsseldorf) – integrating development and metabolism
14:45-15:30 3 x 15 min talks from selected abstracts
15:30-16:00 refreshment break
16:00-16:35 Devang Mehta (KU Leuven) – Plant circadian clock/Protein-protein interactions
16:35-17:30 3 x 15 min talks from selected abstracts
17:30-18:00 Closing session – presentation of ECR talk + poster prizes