Monday 8th September 2025

8:30  - Welcome and Introduction – Amanda Cavanagh PEPG Convener

8:45 - Leaf gas exchange Florian Busch

9:30 - Chlorophyll fluorescence Erik Murchie

10:15 - Coffee Break

10:30 - Plant water relations Kathy Steppe

11:15 - Roots and Soil Interactions Hanna Schneider

12:00 -  Canopy, ecosystems and remote sensing Carl Bernacchi

12:45 - Lunch

14:00 - Meet the manufacturers! LI-COR, METER, Ocean Optics, Plantanalytix, Walz, JB hyperspec, Mahr, Photosynq, Hansatec

15:00 - Practical session1

18:30 - Dinner 

20:00 - Wine Trail

21:30 - Bus return to Costa


Tuesday 9th September 2025

8:30 - Practice Session 2

10:15 - Flexible Coffe

10:30 - Practice Session (continued)

12:15 - Lunch

13:30 - Data Processing and Handling 

14:30 - Combing Gas Exchange and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Tracy Lawson

15:00 -  Tea Break

15:30 - Chlorophyll fluorescence and P700 Katharina Siebke

16:00 - Discussion

16:15 - Flash talks + poster session 1

18:30 - Dinner

21:30 - Bus return to Costa


Wednesday 10th September 2025

8:30 - Practice Session 3

10:15 - Flexible Coffe

10:30 - Practice Session (continued)

12:15 - Lunch

13:30 - Data Processing and Handling 

14:30 - Insights into the soil environment

15:00 -  Social / Free time Lisbon , Beach Surfing etc.


Thursday 11th September 2025

8:30 - Practice Session 4

10:15 - Flexible Coffe

10:30 - Practice Session (continued)

12:15 - Lunch

13:30 - Data Processing and Handling 

14:30 - SIF, Remote sensing and hyperspectral reflectance Caitlin Moore

15:00 -  Tea Break

15:30 - Eddy covariance: ecosystem carbon balance Gary Lanigan

16:00 - Discussion

16:15 - Poster Session 2

18:30  - Dinner

21:30 - Bus return to Costa


Friday 12th September 2025

8:30 - Practice Session 5

10:15 - Flexible Coffe

10:30 - Practice Session (continued)

12:15 - Lunch

13:30 - Data Processing and Handling 

14:30 - Phenotyping and optical tomography Andrew Leakey

15:00 -  Tea Break

15:30 - Question box – Everything you wanted to know

16:00 - Discussion

16:15 - Final results & highlights  presentations, prizes and Closure

18:30  - BBQ  Dinner

21:30 - Bus return to Costa