Irene Manton Winners 2024

The Irene Manton Poster Prize is open to students and early career scientists and takes place at the SEB Annual Conference. A prize of £100 is awarded to the best poster in each section (Animal, Cell, Plant and OED). The winners this year were announced during the SEB Annual Conference in Prague.

Our congratulations to this year's winners!

Irene Manton 2024 - Animal

Animal Section :

Winner: Robine Leeuwis  (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)

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I am a postdoc in the Jutfelt Fish Ecophysiology Lab. My research focuses on the effects of climate change stressors on the physiology of fishes, and I currently work on questions related to thermal acclimation and adaptation.

Before joining the NTNU, I completed my PhD in the Gamperl Fish Physiology Lab at Memorial University of Newfoundland in Canada, and I obtained my MSc degree at Radboud University Nijmegen in the Netherlands.

At the moment, I use zebrafish as my primary experimental model, but I also work with local species such as Atlantic cod and goldsinny wrasse, and previously I studied sablefish, Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout. I have a broad interest and analytical skillset in the areas of eco-evo-devo, animal ecophysiology, ecoimmunology, and nutrition.


Irene Manton 2024 - Cell

Cell Section :

Winner: Amy Yi Hsan Saik   (Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR))

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Irene Manton 2024 - Plant

Plant section:

Winner:   Ewa Sybilska   (Institute of Biology Biotechnology and Environmental Protection University of Silesia in Katowice)

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I am studying the role of cap-binding complex (CBC) in response to abscisic acid (ABA) during seed germination in barley (Hordeum vulgare). My special emphasis is to explain the molecular mechanisms and indicate signaling pathways in which the CBC complex is involved.