Vacancy – RSB Diversity and Inclusion Network representative for DIWG
I was sent this opportunity from Royal Society of Biology:
"We are looking to recruit a new DIWG (Diversity and Inclusion Working Group) representative to sit on the RSB Diversity and Inclusion Network. The Network is comprised of a representative from each of the RSB’s committees and groups. Chaired by our Council Diversity Champion, Dr Jacqui Piner FRSB, the Network has the remit to advise the RSB on its strategy's equality, diversity and inclusion elements. In addition to monitoring progress by utilising the Progression Framework or other benchmarking materials and reporting this progress to Council annually. The likely time commitment required of a representative would equate to two days per annum, in addition to the requirements of DIWG. Their role will generally follow that of a Diversity Champion described in the Science Council’s Declaration on Diversity (chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ Please email [email protected] for more information."
Created: 19 Aug 2022
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