Research Associate/Post-doctoral fellow on insect locomotion at University of Rostock

University of Rostock, Germany

Contract type
Closing date
31 Mar 2025
Rostock, Germany

We seek a research associate (m/f/d) (EG 13 TV-L, full-time, 3-years, qualification position, extension possible) who supports the lab in research and teaching. The job candidate will complement the interests of the department of Animal Physiology in the field of insect locomotion. All research directions are welcome such as Neuroethology, Genetics, Behavioral Biology, Sensory Science, Biomechanics and Aerodynamics. The future position holder will participate in teaching courses at master level and commit to attract external funding.

The successful candidate should have:

  • A Ph.D. degree or equivalent in Biology, Physics, Engineering or related disciplines
  • Strong interest in interdisciplinary research of animal locomotion
  • Good communication and team-working skills
  • Enthusiasm and great commitment to research
  • Good command of the English language


The position is offered by the department of Animal Physiology at the University of Rostock, Germany. We investigate the mechanisms of insect locomotion at various levels covering vision, information processing by the brain, muscle function, properties of biomaterials and locomotor propulsion. The main goal of our research is to dissect the cascade needed to produce locomotor behavior using sensory integration and morphological structures. The department resides in a modern, state-of-the-art building together with several biological work groups. Rostock is a lovely, mid-sized town located near the Baltic Sea. It features moderate ambient temperature and offers many opportunities for recreation including swimming, sailing, and hiking.


Applications should submit the following documents:

  • a detailed Curriculum Vitae
  • a cover letter
  • a list of publications
  • a short essay describing your motivation, past research experience and future interests
  • names and addresses of two referees.

Equal opportunity is an essential part of our human resources policy. In case of equal qualification, applications from severely disabled people or equivalent are explicitly welcome. The University of Rostock seeks to increase the proportion of women in research and teaching, and particularly encourages female applicants to apply for this position. Applications from foreign scientist and people with migration background are appreciated. Please note that application and travel costs are not reimbursed by the Federal State of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

Please send your application as a single PDF-file to our secretary at [email protected]. For inquiries and further information please visit out webpage under please or send an email to [email protected].




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