Register for the summer course: "Fish Swimming: Kinematics, Ecomorphology, Behavior and Environmental Physiology 2025"
Fish Swimming Course at FHL: Calling early career researchers (grad students and postdocs) interested in fish locomotion and ecophysiology!
Fish swimming is a multidisciplinary area of research that encompasses biomechanics, physiology, evolution, ecology and behavior. Knowledge of fish swimming is relevant both for students interested in mechanisms of locomotion, and those interested in locomotor adaptations to the environment. The course will reflect the multidisciplinary nature of fish swimming.
The main subjects treated in the course will be: (1) the kinematics and performance of swimming in fish using various locomotory modes; (2) the ecomorphology of fish locomotion; (3) locomotor strategies; (4) metabolic aspects of fish swimming; (5) the effect of various environmental factors on fish swimming.
The course will be taught by Paolo Domenici, John Steffensen, and Jacob Johansen, July 20 - August 21, 2025.
The application deadline is 14 February.
Applications are already open and eraly applicaiotn are encouraged.
Click here for more information about the course:
For more information about the application, tuition, and financial aid click here:
Financial aid is available regardless of country of origin. Early applications are encouraged.